Student Projects
Bill of Rights Children's Book
The ability to translate materials in order to teach others is one of the highest forms for a student to demonstrate their understanding. In this project students took an existing children's book and rewrote it to teach a younger child the basics of the Bill of Rights.
Colonial Newspaper
As a culminating project for our study of the American Colonies students created a fictional newspaper to demonstrate their understanding of colonial times. Students were tasked with writing about specific topics, but were giving freedom to be creative on how they wrote their articles. All images had to be hand drawn and the students were free to design the newspaper however they chose.
Interdisciplinary study of ELA and Social Studies
While teaching core class of English Language Arts and Social Studies I always integrated readings a literature into the Social Studies Standards. An example of this was while teaching 6th grade, while studying Greek mythology we also read the novel Percy Jackson and the Lightning thief. At the moment I am not teaching English Language Arts, but I am working collaboratively with those teachers. While they are reading the book Stamped in their English class, students will be studying the historical origins of race and identity in America.
Telegraph Machine
Students worked as a team to design and build fully functioning telegraph machine using everyday materials.
This project was part of our schools STEAM program where all subjects and students in engage in STEAM activities across all subject matter.